Hari ini pelajaran TEACHING untuk semester III stambuk 2009 dengan dosen : Dra. Hamidah Sidabalok, M.Hum.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk kawan-kawan sekalian ^_^

Judul yang kami pelajari hari ini adalah tentang punctuation.


Punctuation marks help others to read what you have written. As a writer, you use punctuation marks for a variety of reasons:
1) to show your readers when to slow down or to stop
2) to show how ideas are related within a sentence, and
3) to indicate the purpose of a sentence

a. The period
Rule : Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence.
Example : The earth has a very thick crust.

Rule : Use a period at the end of a sentence that asks a polite question or gives a mild command.
Examples :
Will you please help me with this package.
Put the canned goods in the cupboard.

Rule : Use a periode after an initial that is part of a person'n name or title.
Examples :
E. B. White
Jay Hill, Jr.
Margaret McGovern, Ph.D.
Dr. Matthew Ludemann

Rule :Use a period after most standart abbreviations. Do not use a period after abbreviations of the units of time and measurement. Use a period, however, after in. To show that you are writing the abbreviation of inch, not the word in.
Examples :

Mr. : Mister
P.M. : Post Meridiem
A.M. : Ante meridiem

l : Liter
oz : ounce
hr : hour

Do not use periods when the abbreviation of a company or an organization is in all capital letters or when you are writing the Postal Service abbreviations of state names used whit ZIP codes.
Examples :
AFC : American Football Conference
AL : Alabama

Use periods, however, with the tradisional state abbreviations, including the two-letter tradisional state abbreviations used without the ZIP code.
Example :
S.C. >> But >> SC 29601

Note : Avoid using abbreviations in your written work. Spell out instead.

b. The Question Mark

Rule : Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence.
Examples :
> When will you return the books to the library?
> Are you sick?
> What is your name?

c. The Exclamation Point

Rule : Use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamatory sentence or after a forcefull command, an exclamatory expression, or a strong interjection.
Examples :
> What a spectacular sunset that was!
> Grab that rope!
> Wow! What a great shot!


1. What a beautiful rose.
2. Did you see J.R. Smith, Sr., on the six o'clock news?
3. Will you please hand me the paper.
4. Hope Valley, R.I., is my home town.
5. Watch your step!
6. Whew! That was a close call.


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